Saturday, February 6, 2010

These words are my own.......

Yes I haven't blogged in like two maybe three weeks. I know WTF is my issue?! A lot! Got sooo many plans and soooo little time. Anyhow excuses aside. I'm back with a ton of things planned for CGW.

With all this business and chaos in my life the 2 year anniversary of my best friends' death has just passed and she's been on my mind an awful lot lately. I miss you to bits and pieces Heather. I always want to call you when I've finally figured out something we were talking about, or see something funny, or when I'm having relationship issues and don't feel like being judged about the man I chose to love. So today I dedicate this song to you.....your ringtone......that you laughed at, but appreciated so much. I miss you...and I love you, I love you, I love you!

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