Wednesday, March 3, 2010

ride em' pony....

BTW me and my longtime stylist have been on the quest to find me the ultimate hairstyle of fierceness. I'm pushing hard for a haircut, but she's pretty against it. While we tossed around ideas at the shop she gave me an in the meantime between time hairstyle while we brew over this new me. This is what I've been rocking the past eh... thirteen days.

Yep the old ponytail and pompadour combo. My upkeep of styles is not top-notch (and she knows this). I'm also a hit snooze 3 times before I get up, shower, jump into clothes wet, barely make it to the bus, do my makeup at work in the loo kinda gal. So I don't do complicated hair do's. So although this look is fairly....old it worked.
So today is my hair appointment and I'm ridiculously giddy about this test look. I know what it is, but I swore my over-talkative self to secrecy until I walked out of the salon. Hopefully their will be decent pics.
I have lost *gasp* my digital camera and I'm relying solely on my *gasp* camera on my phone. I've been trying to be better with my cash so I won't allow myself to buy a new one. *sigh* Guess I'll just buy a new memory card for my old one ugh Till then...ta ta beautifuls!


  1. Well I can't wait to see the new do. I love getting new hairstyles, it can totally make or break how I feel!!

    Also, you have read anything by Mary Monroe. If you like Push, you might like her books.

  2. I like the pony, Diva. Do you have to take it down or wrap it at night?

  3. I just wrapped the flat parts at night the ponytail was rolled up in about 7 jumbo sponge rollers at night



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