Friday, April 9, 2010

Heart Broken, and down trodden....and sending congrats

Am I really that out of the loop that I didn't know my BABY DADDY (in my head of course), Robin Thicke had conceived a child with his wife, Lil miss priss Paula Patton. (Yeah I know you can sense the jealousy).
Robin.....I'm soooo hurt I thought our love was much deeper than this... *sigh* Apparently the gorgeous couple welcomed their first child, Julian into the world yesterday. So I guess it's over for me and Robin. He's no longer lost without me...and I guess *tear* I won't be shaking it for daddy anymore. *sad face*


  1. hahaha aweeee there there, there's always Gucci! ;) hahah jk

    OMG I've loved Paula ever since I saw her in Idle Wild! She's gorgeous and seems really sweet.

  2. Gucci??? Girl I'd become asexual first. YEP just valecia...having sex thoughts about nothing and no one LOL



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